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社交網絡Facebook 的用戶眼球熱力圖結論:

下面是關于Facebook Timeline的一些有趣結論,請注意結論文字來自Nick?via,techfrom 呈現(xiàn)。

  • 圖片仍然是吸引人眼球的首要因素。在Facebook個人頁面上,封面圖片是第一個被注意到的元素。隨后,參與者會花費更長時間在瀏覽Timeline的圖片中。
  • Facebook的廣告在Timeline中獲得了更多的注意。
  • 在舊版中,約有43%的參與者注意到了“Sponsored stories”,而在新版中,Timeline模式下的廣告被63%的參與者瀏覽到,有了顯著的提升(個人感覺是因為廣告模塊在Timeline模式下做成了不隨頁面滾動的格式,瀏覽量自然提升了)。另外,參與者在不同的用戶主頁上花費了幾乎相同的時間去瀏覽廣告。
  • 個人信息頁面,雇主和地點信息在Timeline模式中得到了更多關注。參與者的停留時間從1.6s提升到了2.2s


社交網絡 Facebook


Facebook 視覺注意力分布

The map shows what study participants spend the most time looking at. The areas that are dark red were looked at most.

facebook不透明貼圖(Opacity Map)請注意翻譯詞語不一定準確,僅參考

This is the same information from the previous slide presented in a different way. The clear areas are what people saw when they looked at the profiles.

[用戶研究]之社交網絡Facebook,Twitter,Myspace改版前后用戶眼球熱力圖(3) TechFrom科技源

Facebook 頁面的用戶注意力等級

Web Page Fixation Order refers to the order in which participants looked at different elements on the page.

[用戶研究]之社交網絡Facebook,Twitter,Myspace改版前后用戶眼球熱力圖(3) TechFrom科技源

Facebook 眼球停留時間分布

The numbers on this page refer to how much time, in seconds, passed before participants looked at each page element. It does not refer to how much time they spent looking at each element.

Facebook Timeline 社交網絡facebook的時間線 眼球視覺化 統(tǒng)計

This slide shows both the percentage of participants who looked at each page element and the amount of time they spent looking at it.

Facebook Wall Facebook墻視覺化統(tǒng)計

Facebook ads get seen by even fewer people in the new format than they did in the old format. Participants spent on average about the same amount of time on both.


Twitter rolled out a major redesign in?December that rearranged page elements and added new features.

Twitter Visual Attention Level

In both profile designs, tweets get the most attention.

Twitter Opacity Map

Profile thumbnails got more attention when they moved from the left to the right.

Twitter Fixation Order

In both designs, participants looked toward the middle of the page first.

Twitter Average Time to First Fixation

On the old Twitter page, participants looked at tweets first. On the new page, people found the “who to follow” box first.

舊版 Twitter 眼球視覺化統(tǒng)計

Viewers spent the longest amount of time looking at tweets.

新版 Twitter 視覺化統(tǒng)計

Tweets also hold the most attention in the new version of Twitter.


社交網絡 mySpace

MySpace overhauled its site last year to take it from “social network” to “social entertainment destination.”

MySpace 視覺化注意力等級分布

In both the old and new profile, the top photos get the most attention and the information on the right side the least.

[用戶研究]之社交網絡Facebook,Twitter,Myspace改版前后用戶眼球熱力圖(3) TechFrom科技源

MySpace Opacity Map (不透明貼圖)

Faces get seen more than anything else on both of Lady Gaga’s profiles.

[用戶研究]之社交網絡Facebook,Twitter,Myspace改版前后用戶眼球熱力圖(3) TechFrom科技源

MySpace 眼球注意力等級分布

In both profiles, participants looked at the top of the page first and the lower right-hand corner last.

[用戶研究]之社交網絡Facebook,Twitter,Myspace改版前后用戶眼球熱力圖(3) TechFrom科技源

MySpace 眼球停留時間分布

On average it takes seven seconds to reach the column with activities.

[用戶研究]之社交網絡Facebook,Twitter,Myspace改版前后用戶眼球熱力圖(3) TechFrom科技源

新版 MySpace 視覺化統(tǒng)計

All participants noticed Lady Gaga on top of the profile, and on average that’s what they spent the most time looking at.

[用戶研究]之社交網絡Facebook,Twitter,Myspace改版前后用戶眼球熱力圖(3) TechFrom科技源

舊版 MySpace 視覺化統(tǒng)計

Before the revamp, study participants still noticed the top photo the most, but spent even more time looking at it. They noticed other information on the page such as contact information and tour dates even less.

[用戶研究]之社交網絡Facebook,Twitter,Myspace改版前后用戶眼球熱力圖(3) TechFrom科技源



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